by liviaABOUT

🏞 current location: Singapore

hello there! :-)

Spontaneous and people-loving, I would introduce myself as an aspiring creative from sunny Singapore. 🌞 I have just completed the Graduating Project as part of attaining my Bachelor of Arts in Design Communication at LASALLE College of the Arts, while doing creative freelance work with Disney APAC. The convocation of my graduation happens this August.

I especially find satisfaction with functional and intentional solutions that add value and beauty to day-to-day life, which sparked my passion in studying design. I am always on the lookout for enthralling opportunities to exercise this interest of mine — such work really restores my soul.  

My 6-month experience on exchange in The Netherlands has greatly changed my life and broadened my perspective! During the trip I learnt the virtue of not worrying, which freed up a lot of my mental capacity to learn, appreciate, and fully immerse myself in all the wonderful and excellent art all around. Europe was very captivating——adorned with stunning architecture and rich art history that stirred my heart and passion for beautiful design deeply.

In my time off, you’d probably catch me at a cafe deep in conversation with a dear friend, window-shopping to see what’s in trend, or indulging in a C.S. Lewis book (though this usually happens at bedtime).  I spend a lot of my free Saturdays serving the secondary school youths at church, as well as singing with the worship ministry.

In my budding career I have had the honour of working with several creative teams from brands like Klook, BTWN and Eden+Elie, and my current endeavour Disney APAC’s Marketing Creative team. All this started from an internship I did at age 19 with Thailand beauty-booking application GoWabi, who were very gracious with giving a Mass Communication kid a shot at graphic design. My experience working with these brands from widely varying backgrounds and cultures have convicted me to believe that staying unbendingly teachable, as well as always choosing to run with my leader’s heart, are character traits I want to pursue for the rest of my life.

A dream of mine is to work with a company whose values and vision I truly believe in! 💭 I also dream to settle down and start a family with a partner I respect and adore, and to continue having the privilege of serving community and my local church during my personal time.

Feel free to drop me an email if you’re interested in working with me! Resume is also available upon request 🥳

© livia heng 2024